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  Steel Business is the backbone of Duellco Corporation. Our long experience in steel business meets our customers satisfaction no matter where its located at. Our professionals will carry your orders to finish in line on time with no hassle. That is why Duellco focuses especially on Cold Rolled, Galvanized, Galvalume, and Prepainted GI/GA products as it was Duellco's first business.


 Our Headquarter in South Korea makes it possible for us to export Korea Origin Steel products such as CR, GI, GA and PGI from Posco, Hyundai Steel and Dongbu Steel. As the metal industry in South Korea has a rather longer and deeper history among Asian countries, now it is valued as a Premium quality in the global industry and it is only growing. 


 Due to import quotas in U.S, market we've developed other Asia origin products to U.S, market which now grew to become a big role and portion in our product portfolio.



Galvanized / Galvalume 

GI(H) uses Hot rolled steel plate is used as its base metal. Normal zinc crystallization is applied to create fine crystals during the procedure of its zinc solidification on the steel sheet surface. Whereas GI uses cold rolled steel plate as its base metal during the same process. 

Galvanized Steel is mostly used for metal furniture, inner and outer plates on home appliances, based metal for Pre-painted steel, pipes and most of all various field on construction sites, materials and raw products.

GA on the other side uses cold rolled steel merely. The zinc and base metal creates an alloy layer on its thermal diffusion allowing higher performance in welding and coat painting than general Galvanized Steel.

Galvalume is well known for its application on automobiles and home appliances.

Prepainted Galvanized Steel


Send us an International Color code or a part of your actual product.

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We produce color samples to match your color requirements.

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Verified Color Coils are produced and shipped to your destination.

Thickness Availability: 0.0079"(0.2mm) to 0.0472"(1.2mm)

Width Availability: 29.5276"(750mm) to 49.2126"(1250mm)

Color codes can be on Pantone Code or RAL Code.

Gwangpyeong Rd 280, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea 06367 | Tel: +82-2-459-1350 | Fax: +82-2-6919-1350


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